Friday, January 13, 2006

More lists and sites I like

Another site of lists:

A site about Getting Things Done (GTD)

This company makes great gadget bags

News from the ice

Friday, January 06, 2006


I enjoy a good list now and then and I came upon a good site full of humorous lists:

The first list I compiled this year was for my 2006 dead pool entry.

I have a few themes:
Rockers on the Edge
An actor on the Edge
Adventure Seekers
A few sure things

See if you can categorize them...
Richard Branson
Gary Busey
Cameron Crowe
Steve Fossett
Courtney Love
Ozzy Ozborne
Jack Osbourne
Nancy Reagan
Ariel Sharon
Scott Weiland

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I am an Ice Fisherman

Bodie showed his inner fisherman in true style with a trek to Little Rice Lake in Northern Wisconsin for his first ice fishing outing with Mom, Dad, and Granpda Paul. Sans gloves, he mastered the art of pan fishing and articulated with glee that he was "Ice fishing with Grandpa!" Bodie's on ice interests now include scooping the ice out of the hole, checking the minnow for signs of life and counting to ten in spanish. After an hour of staring into the cold water abyss, it was time to head back home for some well deserved hot cocoa and a nap.