Saturday, January 24, 2009

Symphony with binoculars

We went to the second of three family matinees at the Chicago Symphony. Today's event was the CSO playing pieces by Russian composers accompanied by members of the Joffrey Ballet. Bodie was not excited about going to the symphony, but in the end he had a good time. Ear plugs and his new binoculars helped make the 45 minute concert bearable (he is a bit sensitive to loud noise).

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fall in Wisconsin

A fun fall weekend up at the lake in Crandon, WI a few weeks ago included raking leaves, a walk in the woods with cousin Mickey and Dad, and lots of chalk coloring on the driveway with Mom.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I Lost My First Tooth!

Wow, one minute you are eating a big juicy burger bbq'd to your specifications, when all of sudden your tooth is swaying in the breeze! I asked Mom to help out with my tooth and she told me to wiggle it, what is this wiggle it stuff? Well, Mom showed my this wiggle maneuver and voila, my first tooth is out! Mom then told me about this being called a tooth fairy. Sounded crazy to me until I put my beloved tooth under my pillow and when I woke up, there were four quarters under my pillow. Cool, something to put in my Donald Duck bank!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First day of School at Whittier

Bodie is back at school at Whittier School in Oak Park. Bodie has the same teacher and one buddy from the summer session, so it was nice to see some familiar faces. We hung out for an hour as the first day was one hour for both parents and kids to see the new classroom and meet the teachers and staff. Bodie was already looking forward to the second day of school as he would be riding the bus. Riding the bus is high up on Bodie's list of fun things to do. The bus picked him up this morning and another familiar face showed up as Terry his bus driver from this summer is his bus driver again this fall.

Monday, August 28, 2006

CSO in Millenium Park

A week ago we went to the new Millenium Park in Chicago to hear the Chicago Symphony Orchestra play a little Beethoven. It rained, but we had a great picnic dinner with Grandpa Paul O'Keefe, Bodie, Mom and Dad. Low-res photo of the band shell and a few buildings.

A Day Out With Thomas

Yesterday was Bodie's "Day out with Thomas" at the Illinois Railway Museum. The day's highlights included a ride on a historical train pulled by Thomas, playing in the Thomas train built from Legos and a corn dog dinner capped off with some lemonade.

Friday, January 13, 2006

More lists and sites I like

Another site of lists:

A site about Getting Things Done (GTD)

This company makes great gadget bags

News from the ice

Friday, January 06, 2006


I enjoy a good list now and then and I came upon a good site full of humorous lists:

The first list I compiled this year was for my 2006 dead pool entry.

I have a few themes:
Rockers on the Edge
An actor on the Edge
Adventure Seekers
A few sure things

See if you can categorize them...
Richard Branson
Gary Busey
Cameron Crowe
Steve Fossett
Courtney Love
Ozzy Ozborne
Jack Osbourne
Nancy Reagan
Ariel Sharon
Scott Weiland